sleep disorders
There are several factors that contribute to sleep disorders. From emotional and psychiatric factors such as anxiety and depression, to medication use and illnesses such asObstructive Sleep Apnea.
There are several factors that contribute to difficulty sleeping, therefore it is fundamental to have an evaluation by a specialist for adequate treatment.

AtObstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome, there is a barrier to the passage of air, usually due to the closing or collapse of the tracheal wall or another part of the airway. This leads to the production of loud noise when sleeping (snoring), night awakenings and great difficulty in maintaining sleep.
Prolonged periods of apnea, especially when maintained for a long time, lead to poor cerebral oxygenation and, consequently, to progressive symptoms of:
> Morning Headache
> forgetfulness
> Irritability
> Daytime sleepiness
The biggest loss of a bad night's sleep is thedaytime sleepinesswhich can limit work activities and even leisure time.
Sleep disorders also make it difficult toconcentrationduring the day, increase the frequency of episodes ofirritabilityand bad mood, lead a loss ofmemory, decreased libido and evenerectile dysfunction(sexual impotence).
Otreatmentit involves reducing associated factors, improving sleep hygiene, treating psychiatric conditions, if any, and an integral approach, seeking to treat all sleep-limiting factors and also their consequences.